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The Quick Circuit Analyzer
Written by Kevin McClaning
Reference Manual
Version 1.00
January 1988
(c) Copyright 1988 by RadioWare
All Rights Reserved
RadioWare Inc.
P.O.Box 2016
Columbia, Md 21045
This document describes the QCkt circuit analysis package.
This version of QCkt is being distributed under the
ShareWare concept. The ShareWare concept is based on three
1. People need to try programs before they buy them to
see if they are useful. You have to use a program for
a while before you can determine whether it's suitable
for what you want to do.
2. Software authors can be supported directly by users,
3. Copying and networking, one of the major strengths
of electronic data, can be encouraged.
If user-supported software works, then everyone benefits.
The user will benefit by receiving quality products at low cost
along with being able to try out a package before purchase. The
author benefits by being able to enter the commercial software
market without large amounts of capital.
User-supported software is generally not public domain
material: most programs carry a copyright notice, including this
one. The author has licensed you to use and copy the program
under certain conditions. Likewise, ShareWare is not intended to
be free software. It is intended to provide quality software at
a low price, while directly supporting the author.
The bottom line is this - If you're still using a ShareWare
product after a few weeks, then the program is worth something to
you and you should make a contribution.
If you like this program and find it of use, then your
registration of $25 will be greatly appreciated. It will be used
to support future versions of the program as well as providing
encouragement to produce other programs.
What will you get for your registration? First, I will send
you the next major revision at no extra charge. After that, you
can always get the current version for a distribution and
handling charge of $10. Secondly, your registration will
encourage me to revise and improve QCkt. Thirdly, I'll put you
on my mailing list for revisions of QCkt and other programs we
write. Lastly, you'll get support. I will always respond to the
queries of registered users but I may not have time to answer
questions from non-registered users.
All users of QCkt may :
1. Copy and freely distribute QCkt as long
a. No fee is charged, except for copying
and distribution charges not to exceed
b. QCkt is distributed only in it's
original, unmodified form with all of
it's documentation.
c. It is not distributed with or as any
part of any other package (software or
hardware), unless prior written permission
has been granted by RadioWare.
2. If you are using this product in a
commercial environment, then your company
MUST register or see about getting a site
license. That way, I'll stay in business and
you'll get support.
Send all inquires to :
P.O. Box 2016
Columbia, Md 21045
Make all checks payable to RadioWare, Inc. Please use the
enclosed order form and please PRINT your full name and address.
Site licenses and commercial distribution licenses are also
available. I will do customized versions at very reasonable
I would really like to hear your comments about QCkt. Even
if you're not a registered user, please drop me a line if you
have any comments, criticisms or complaints. With such help, I
will modify QCkt to produce a better, easier-to-use program.
Occasionally, I do a little teaching and I've found QCkt to
be very helpful in this respect. Concepts such as matching,
transmission lines and filtering become very clear when the
student can twiddle with component values in an interactive
environment (that's where many of the examples included on this
disk have come from). The students get a good feeling if they
see the filter they designed out of a book perform like it
should. Also, they can see the effects of finite component Q and
parasitic components on circuit performance. Anyway, if anyone
out there uses QCkt in a teaching environment, I would really
like to hear about their experiences. Personally, I think this
will be the wave of the future.
The Fine Print ...
RadioWare makes no representation or warranties with respect
to the content hereof and specifically disclaims any implied
warranties to the suitability of this program for any particular
purpose. You, the user, must determine that yourself. In
addition, you should understand that using a program of this type
on an IBM PC or similar compatible machine has inherent risks and
that you may inadvertently damage or destroy valuable programs or
data. RadioWare expressly declines to assume liability for any
use of this program by you and your use of this programs
constitutes your agreement to hold us blameless. RadioWare
reserves the right to make changes from time to time in the
context hereof without obligation to notify any person or persons
of such changes.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
PC-DOS and IBM PC are registered trademarks of IBM Corp.
Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland
International Inc.
The Smith Chart is registered by P.H.Smith of Analog
Instruments, Inc.
Table of Contents
1 .............................. Introduction
2 .............................. An Example
3 .............................. Entering and Saving A
4 .............................. Entering Frequency
5 .............................. Variable Components and
the Tune Mode
6 .............................. Plotting the Frequency
7 .............................. The Smith Chart
8 .............................. Some Examples
9 .............................. How QCkt Works
10 .............................. QCkt Limitations
A .............................. Technical
B .............................. Acknowledgements
C .............................. References - Credit
Where It's Due
D .............................. Component Summary
E .............................. Running Aspect.Com
F .............................. Order Form
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter One : Introduction
This manual describes the operation and use of QCkt, an
interactive circuit analysis program for the IBM-PC and close
compatibles. This manual contains a description of the files
found on the disk, an overview of program features and a
reference guide for all of QCkt's commands.
QCkt's personality is geared toward the practicing RF
engineer. I do a lot of RF circuit design and analysis in the 20
- 1000 MHz range and none of the reasonably priced programs
currently on the market did what I wanted to do. I wrote QCkt
over many months with the following goals in mind:
1. Fast data entry - allow the user to enter the
circuit of interest in a short time.
2. Fast sweep time - to allow the user to see the
effects of component changes almost immediately.
3. Quick feedback when changing component values - one
of the problems I have with programs currently on the
market is that they don't let you twiddle with circuit
components and immediately see the result.
4. Quick access to the circuit from almost any point in
the program - you can change almost any plotting
parameter or circuit value while in one of the plot
modes and immediately see the results on circuit
QCkt will run on an IBM-PC or close compatible. Minimum
system requirements are 256-K of memory, PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.0 or
greater and at least one floppy disk drive. QCkt needs a
color/graphics card with either a color or monochrome monitor to
function properly.
You will need an 8087 numeric co-processor chip installed in
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
your machine to run QCkt-87, the 8087 version of QCkt. QCkt-87
runs about 4 times faster than QCkt -- a big difference when
evaluating large circuits.
Due to the Turbo Pascal compiler used to generate QCkt and
QCkt-87, their file structures are incompatible. That is, QCkt
cannot read or write QCkt-87 files. Likewise, QCkt-87 cannot
read or write QCkt files.
The files included with this package are :
QCkt.Com - This contains the main driving routines used by
FarCode.Com - This module contains the code for the
rectangular and Smith Chart plotting routines. QCkt will
terminate with an error message if this file is not on the
default drive at start up.
Aspect.Com - This program generates the aspect ratio of your
monitor. If the Smith Chart isn't round on your particular
monitor and you can't correct it by fiddling with the controls,
run Aspect.Com to correct the problem. Note: Aspect.Com creates
a short file called Aspect.Dta on the default drive. This file
contains the aspect ratio of your monitor which QCkt reads on
start up.
Aspect.Dta - This file contains the aspect ratio of your
monitor, if needed. See the entry under Aspect.Com for more
Ex*.Ckt - These are example circuit files discussed in the
manual (Read on).
QCkt.Doc - This manual in ASCII format.
In order to run QCkt, you must have QCkt.Com and FarCode.Com
on the default drive and directory. If you need Aspect.Dta (see
Appendix E for more information), it must also be on the default
drive and directory.
One final note before we get into it. If you're a new user,
go through the example in Chapter 2 before you do anything else.
This will help acquaint you with some of the features and power
of QCkt. Then, skim the rest of the manual while sitting in
front of your computer. Try things out. Finally, go through the
examples given in Chapter 8. This procedure will get you up and
running quickly and painlessly. Use the other parts of the
manual for reference or when you're having trouble.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Two - An Example
If you're like me, then you don't want to read too much
before you fire the computer up to play. This chapter will run
through an example which will demonstrate most of QCkt's
The first example circuit we'll go through is on the disk
under the name Exbpf214.Ckt. As the name implies, this is a 21.4
MHz bandpass filter. It is a Chebychev filter with a 1 Mhz 5-dB
pass band, capacitively matched to 50 ohms.
Before we get to the example, let's clear up a few terms.
When I ask you to hit the Alt-S key, for example, this means hold
down the Alt key (lower left hand corner of your keyboard) and,
while still holding the Alt key down, strike the S key (either a
capital-S or small-S will do - it makes no difference).
Another item to clear up is the subject of default answers.
Typically, when the program asks the user for input, it will show
a default value in parenthesis. The value of the default varies
depending upon how you answered the question last time, the
present state of the circuit currently in memory and what you're
doing at the time. Anyway, to accept the default, all you have
to do is hit the return key. For example, suppose the program
"Which Component (A, B, C, D or E) : (A) ...".
The choices you are allowed to enter are A, B, C, D or E
(either upper or lower case) and answer A is the default.
Hitting the return key is the same as typing an "A", then hitting
the return key.
Finally, when the circuit lists possible responses to a
question, you can respond with a number. Consider our example
from before - The program asks:
"Which Component (A, B, C, D or E) : (A) ... "
The choices you can enter are A, B, C, D or E. You can also
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
enter 1 for A, 2 for B, 3 for C, etc. up to 5 for E. In general,
you can enter a 1 for the first answer listed, a 2 for the second
and so on. This feature speeds things up slightly by allowing
you to keep your right hand over the numeric keypad at all times.
Consider another example - suppose the program asks:
"Continue (Y or N) : (Y) ... "
Hit return for Yes. You can hit either "n", "N" or "2" for No.
From the DOS prompt and with the QCkt disk in the default
drive, type "QCkt" and wait for the main menu. Then, get the
Exbpf214.Ckt file from the disk by selecting item 11. This puts
up the QCkt retrieve file menu. Select option 2 and type
"Exbpf214" (the program automatically appends the ".ckt" if you
don't enter an extension). This will load the 21.4 MHz filter
file from the disk and return you to the main menu.
Loading a file this way loads a description of the actual
circuit to be analyzed as well as several other system parameters
such as component Q, 2 different frequency sweep ranges, plotting
parameters and a host of other items.
At the QCkt main menu, select item 3 to plot the gain and
return loss of the filter we just retrieved from the disk. This
brings up two more menus - don't bother with them right now.
Just hit the return key twice to accept the default options and
get a gain plot of the filter.
The gain plot is really two different plots displayed on the
same scale. The solid line you see is the transfer function of
circuit in memory. This is the power dissipated in the load
resistor divided by the maximum power available from the source.
The second plot made up the little square boxes is the return
loss of the circuit. This function reflects how well the circuit
is matched to the system characteristic impedance - the lower
this number is, the closer the circuit input impedance is to the
system characteristic impedance.
In the upper left corner is the current cursor frequency.
This is the frequency currently being evaluated and it relates to
the small, hollow box currently at the left hand side of the
graph (it's about 35 dB down). If you press the '+' or '-' keys
on the numeric keypad, this evaluation frequency will increment
or decrement accordingly. Go ahead and try it now.
You'll notice that as you change the evaluation frequency,
the numbers at the bottom labelled Gain, Phase, R.L. (return
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
loss) and G.D. (group delay) also change. These number always
reflect the characteristics of the circuit in memory at the
evaluation frequency.
Another way to change the evaluation frequency is to press
the Alt-F key. A window opens up and asks you to enter a new
frequency. Enter 21.4 MHz for the new frequency. When you hit
return, the previous screen is restored and updated to reflect
what the circuit is doing at 21.4 MHz. The frequency cursor (the
small hollow box on the graph) is also moved to 21.4 MHz.
Now, hit the Alt-I key. This will bring up a help menu
which contains all of the commands you can use while in the
plotting mode. It might be a good idea to do a Shift-PrtSc at
this point to get a hard copy. Strike any key to get back to the
plotting screen.
Try the Alt-W key. This key lets you twiddle with the
frequency sweep and plot parameters. The menu that you see
displays the two sweeps currently in memory (labelled #1 and #2)
along with their current step sizes. Take note that the current
sweep is #1 by looking at menu option 4. Change the active sweep
from sweep #1 to sweep #2 by selecting option 4. When the screen
repaints, you'll see the active sweep has now become #2. Hit the
return key once more to return to the plot.
When we return to the plot, you'll notice that nothing has
changed. QCkt simply saves the current graphics screen when it
calls one of the Alt functions and restores it upon completion of
the Alt task. To re-sweep the circuit with the current active
sweep (now sweep #2), press Alt-S. The screen will be repainted
with the new active sweep.
This entire operation of striking Alt-W to edit the sweeps,
changing the active sweep to #2 with one of the menu options,
returning to the plotting screen and doing an Alt-S to re-sweep
the circuit is done often. The whole process can be accomplished
by hitting the Alt-A key to toggle the active sweep. Try it now.
The active sweep will be changed back to sweep #1, the screen
will be repainted and the circuit will be re-swept according to
the first sweep's parameters.
Let's try one more thing before we leave this plot. Press
the Alt-G key. This key allows the user to enter global circuit
and plotting parameters. These parameters are: the load and
source resistance, the system characteristic impedance, the
frequency where the electrical length of T-Lines is specified
and, finally, capacitor and inductor quality factors or Q's.
After hitting Alt-G, the program will ask you a question
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
about system characteristic impedance. Hit return to accept the
default value of 50 ohms. Likewise, just hit return to accept
the defaults for load and source resistance and for the T-Line
question. When the program asks for inductor Q, take note of the
default value. This number, along with capacitor Q, was loaded
from disk when we loaded the circuit. The value displayed here
(inductor and capacitor Q both = 10000) is artificially high and
doesn't reflect the realizable, lossy components we have to use
in the real world. Change the inductor Q value to a more
reasonable value of 250 and the capacitor Q value to 1000 by
entering these numbers in response to the appropriate questions
and hitting return.
Upon answering the capacitor Q question, you should find
yourself looking at the gain plot of the circuit you saw
previously. Make a mental note of the filter insertion loss
(about 0) and the depth of the ripples (about 5-dB). Now, hit
Alt-S to sweep the circuit with the new, more realistic Q values
that we just entered. You'll note that the "real-world" circuit
has an increased insertion loss (about 3 dB) and the ripple depth
has decreased (also to about 3 dB). One of the great strengths
of QCkt is that it allows you to twiddle with component values
and quickly see the results on a plot.
Finally, hit the Alt-X key to exit the gain plotting routine
and return to the main menu.
Main menu options 4 and 5 (plot phase and group delay,
respectively) perform much the same as the gain plotting routine.
Try them out for a spin! Remember that on-line help is available
through the Alt-I key.
When you're done playing with the phase and group delay
options, return to the main menu (via Alt-X) and reload the
original circuit by entering option 11 and retrieving the default
file (which is now Exbpf214.Ckt). This is just in case you
accidentally changed anything important while you were fiddling
around. Now enter option 6, the Smith Chart plotting routine,
from the main menu. Hit return twice to accept the default
options and you'll be dropped into the Smith Chart plotting
This option lets you plot the input impedance of your
circuit on the Smith Chart. Hit Alt-F and enter 21.4 to move the
frequency cursor to 21.4 MHz. You'll see that at our center
design frequency of 21.4 MHz, things don't look so good. Looking
in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, we can see that we
have a VSWR of about 10, our input impedance is nowhere near 50
Ohms and our return loss is about 0 dB (indicating a pretty poor
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Since the center of the Smith Chart represents a perfect
match, we are interested in those frequencies where our input
impedance is near the Smith Chart center. Increment and
decrement the frequency cursor using the '+' and '-' keys by the
numeric keypad to find the two frequencies closest to 50 Ohms.
You should get about 21.05 and 21.80 MHz. If you don't, Alt-F
your way to these frequencies to verify that they are indeed near
the center of the chart.
You'll notice that the impedance plot on the chart looks
fairly rough. In the part of the spectrum where the input
impedance of the circuit is changing rapidly, the plotting
resolution is pretty coarse. You can see the points calculated
by the program connected with straight lines.
One of the options we didn't explore while we were doing the
gain plot is the Alt-H key. This key will halve the current step
size, giving finer plotting resolution but increasing the sweep
time. Press Alt-H twice to plot 4 times as many points, then hit
Alt-S to sweep the circuit with the new step size. You'll see
that the plot is a lot smoother, but that the sweep time has also
increased. You can double the current step size using the Alt-D
If you're not all ready there, Alt-F your way back to 21.4
MHz and make a mental note of the VSWR at that point. Then, hit
the Alt-C key to draw circles on the Smith Chart. The Smith
Chart Circle menu will come up, asking you which type of circle
you want to draw on the chart. Just hit the return key to accept
the default of constant VSWR circles. Enter the VSWR at 21.4 MHz
and hit return. When the screen repaints, you'll see the extra
VSWR circle. It will be centered about the center of the chart
and should pass through the frequency cursor at 21.4 MHz.
And again, just for the heck of it, enter Alt-G to edit the
global circuit variables again. As before, change the inductor
Q to 250 and the capacitor Q to 1000. When the Smith Chart
screen returns, hit Alt-S to sweep the circuit again and see the
effect of realistic component Q. It does make a difference.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Three - Entering and Saving A Circuit
Entering a circuit into QCkt is really quite easy. Remember
that, at present, QCkt can handle only ladder circuits with
resistive terminations. For those of you who don't know, ladder
circuits are circuits which contain only shunt and series element
connected in a cascade fashion. This particular topology turns
out to be quick and fairly easy to analyze.
Before entering a circuit, it's a good idea to have a
drawing of the circuit in front of you. Label the components
starting with #1 at the load end and continuing on to the source
resistor. Don't number the source or load resistors themselves.
From the QCkt main menu, select option 1 to clear the
circuit and enter a new one. The program will ask you if you're
sure you want to do that - answer yes by typing a "y" or a "1".
Any other response will send you back to the main menu. The
program will then ask you how you want the global circuit
variables set up. Enter values for the system impedance and the
load and source resistance (all are typically 50 or 75 Ohms).
The next question deals with transmission lines. When you
enter a transmission line, you'll have to tell the program the
desired characteristic impedance of the line you want to enter
and it's electrical length in degrees at a specified frequency.
This is where you enter that frequency. It will be the same for
all of the transmission lines in your circuit.
The last two questions ask for the quality factors or
Q-values for inductors and capacitors. The defaults are 250 and
1000 for inductors and capacitors, respectively, which are pretty
representative of realizable high-quality components.
Hitting return after the capacitor-Q question leads us to
the component selection menu. The components the user is able to
include in his circuits are:
1. Capacitors - The value of all capacitors in this
program are currently given in picofarads. All
capacitors have the same global Q value which is held
constant with frequency. The default value for
capacitor Q is 1000.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
2. Inductors - The value of all inductors in this
programs are currently given in microhenries. Like
capacitors, all inductors have the same global Q value
which can be (and usually is) different from the global
capacitor Q. The default value for inductor Q is 250.
3. Resistors - The values of all resistors are entered
in Ohms.
4. Parallel LC - An inductor and capacitor hooked
together in parallel. As before, the capacitance is
given in picofarads while the inductance is in
microhenries. Global capacitor and inductor Q losses
are applied to this combination.
5. Series LC - As in #4, but the two components are
connected in series.
6. Parallel RC - A resistor and capacitor connected in
7. Series RC - A resistor and capacitor connected in
8. Parallel RL - A resistor and inductor connected in
9. Series RL - A resistor and inductor in series.
10. T-Line - This is a lossless transmission line. The
user enters a unique characteristic impedance (in Ohms)
and electrical length (in degrees). If the line is in
shunt with the circuit, the user is asked if the line
is open- or short-circuited. The electrical length is
the number of degrees the line appears to be at a given
frequency. The frequency is specified as a global
value and it is the same for all of the T-Lines entered
in this program. The default is 100 MHz.
11. Parallel Resonator - This is simply a parallel LC
circuit (see item #4 above) specified in a different
way. Instead of asking for a value of L and C, the
program asks for a value of L (in microhenries) and a
center frequency (in MHz). The parallel LC will then
be made to resonate at the given frequency. Global
capacitor and inductor Q's are applied to this
12. Series Resonator - The same component as in item
#11, except that the inductor and capacitor are
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
connected in series.
13. Defined Impedance Plane - This is an operation more
that it is a component. If one of these is present in
the circuit, the Smith Chart and return loss plots will
reflect the impedance of the circuit looking from the
impedance plane toward the load. The Smith Chart and
return loss plots will not reflect the input impedance
as the source sees the circuit.
If there is more than one of these defined in a
circuit, the last impedance plane (the one closest to the
source) is used.
14. Duplicate an Existing Part - This is a very
convenient operation which allows any previously
defined part (ie. a part with lower number) to be
duplicated. This is useful for some types of filters
and matching circuits which exhibit a high degree of
A little sidenote - In all cases, you are allowed to enter
negative values for components. Mathematically, this is not a
problem for the evaluation software, but interpretation is up to
you. Doing this, however, can mess up the graphics plotting
routines. They won't crash, but will usually try to plot off of
the outlined grid.
I allow negative components for the simple reason that it
can be interesting to plot such things. You can also settle a
lot of silly arguments about circuit theory when they come up.
From this point, enter the components in order; starting at
the load end of the circuit and proceeding towards the source.
The program will prompt you for the information it needs about
any particular part. When you're finished, enter 99 when you're
asked for a component (or just hit return). This will take you
back to the main menu.
At the main menu, enter option #2 to take a look at the
circuit you just entered. The top three lines of the new screen
give information on the global circuit parameters you entered
when you started a new circuit.
After that, the program displays the current circuit in
memory starting at the load with block #1 and proceeding toward
the source with increasing block numbers. After the block number
is the component type (inductor, capacitor, etc.), followed by a
description of the way the component is connected in the circuit
(either shunt or series). Finally, the component value is
displayed along with the proper units (uH, pF or Ohm).
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
If you want to change a particular circuit element, enter
the block number of the component you want to change. You'll
find yourself back at the QCkt component menu where you can enter
a new component or change the value of the present one. When
you're done, QCkt takes you back to the circuit description
A convenient feature of QCkt is that it allows you to enter
new components from the circuit description screen. For example,
if the maximum component number in your circuit is 9, you can
enter 10 for the number of the block you'd like to change. You
can then add a new component to your circuit.
If you like, you can also change the global variables from
this screen by entering 99 as the component you'd like to change.
QCkt will then take you to the global editing screen.
Main menu options 10 and 11 allow you to save your circuit
file on disk.
Select option 11 to retrieve a circuit from the disk.
You'll come to the QCkt file menu which is reproduced here:
Get Disk Menu - QCkt (Version X.XX)
Pick an Option: Default File is : Work.Ckt
1. Get Circuit From the Default File
2. Get Circuit From Another File
99. Return
What'll It Be : (1) ...
You can get a file from the default circuit file (Work.Ckt,
here) or from any other file. If you retrieve or save anything
in any other file, that file then becomes the default file. For
example, when we retrieved the example circuit Exbpf214.Ckt from
the disk, that became the default file. This makes updating of
your circuit files as you're working on them pretty easy. To
save something in the default file amounts to selecting option
#11 from the QCkt main menu and hitting return twice.
If you need to save your circuit in a file other than the
default file, select option #2. QCkt will ask for the name of
the file you want to store data in. Only twelve characters
(8-character name, decimal point and a 3-character extension) are
allowed. The circuit will be saved on the default drive in the
current directory.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
If you enter a file name without an extension, QCkt will
tack ".Ckt" onto the end of the name you enter. If you specify a
file that doesn't exist, the program will beep, tell you about
your mistake and take you back to the main menu. No data will be
QCkt main menu option 10 (the save to disk option) works
exactly the same way as the retrieve function does.
The following is a list of the information QCkt stores on
- Total number of blocks in your circuit,
- The primary, secondary and tertiary items of each element
(the Z0, length and Short/Open Circuit status of
transmission lines, for example). Also, whether each
element is in series or shunt,
- Global Inductor and Capacitor Q,
- The source and load resistances,
- The frequency at which transmission line electrical
are valid,
- The system characteristic impedance,
- The number of defined parallel branches,
- The following data for each sweep:
- Start frequency
- Stop frequency
- Increment frequency
- The value of the bottom of the
linear gain plot
- The value of the top of the
group delay plot
- The tic mark interval for the
horizontal and vertical axes
for the gain, phase and group
delay plots
- The following data for the variable components:
- The block number of the variable
- Whether the variable component is
the primary, secondary or
tertiary element of the block
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Four - Entering Frequency Sweeps
Before you can plot your circuit, you have to set up several
parameters to tell QCkt how to plot your data. These parameters
include start and stop frequencies, vertical ranges, tic mark
spacings and the like. You can do this from the QCkt main menu
option #7 (among other places in the program).
From the QCkt main menu, enter option #7 to get to the edit
sweep menu. This menu displays the current parameters for two
separate frequency sweeps, labelled sweep #1 and sweep #2. The
menu displays the start, stop and step frequencies.
The circuit is evaluated from the start frequency to the
stop frequency, incrementing by the step frequency. For example,
if the start frequency is 100 MHz, the stop frequency is 200 MHz
and the step frequency is 1 MHz, the circuit will be evaluated
and plotted at 100 MHz, 101 MHz, 102 MHz ... 199 MHz and 200 MHz
for a total of 101 points. The more points you pick, the finer
the graph will be but the longer it will take to complete a
Some sidenotes - Anytime 0 MHz is encountered while
analyzing a circuit, the circuit will be evaluated at 1 Hz. This
allows you to enter 0 MHz as a start or stop frequency and
prevents divide-by-zero run time errors.
You can enter negative frequencies without any problem.
Realistically, this is pretty useless although mathematically
If you enter a frequency step size of 0 MHz, QCkt will
default the step size to the following expression:
Step Size = Abs(Stop Freq - Start Freq) / 100
which will produce 101 evaluation points.
The edit sweep menu presents you with four options. The
first three allow you edit either the first sweep, the second
sweep or both sweeps. We'll get to that in a minute.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
The fourth option allows you to toggle the active sweep
between #1 and #2. The active sweep is the sweep used when you
plot anything. The inactive sweep is always there, waiting to
become the active sweep whenever you want.
Two sweeps allow you to look at a circuit in two ways.
First, you can look at the circuit up close, where the
interesting things are happening (in the passband of a bandpass
filter, for example). Secondly, you can get an overall picture
of the circuit as it behaves over a large frequency range (to get
an ideal of ultimate attenuation and that kind of thing).
Anyway, select option #1 from the QCkt edit sweep menu to
edit sweep #1. QCkt will remind you which sweep you're editing
at the top of the page, then ask you for the new start, stop and
step frequencies. Either enter new frequencies or hit return to
accept the default values in parentheses. For example, if the
screen looked like:
Edit Sweep #1
Start Freq (MHz) : (19.4000) ... 15
Stop Freq (MHz) : (23.4000) ... 28
Step Freq (MHz) : (0.0500) ...
It means that the previous start, stop and step frequencies were
19.4 MHz, 23.4 MHz and 0.05 MHz. The user entered new start and
stop frequencies of 15 and 28 MHz, but accepted the default step
frequency of 0.05 MHz.
After you've entered the step frequency, QCkt will ask for a
set of plotting guidelines. Since QCkt deals only with passive
devices which have no gain, it reminds you that the top of the
X-Y grid will be 0 dB, then asks for the attenuation value at the
bottom of the screen. Again, just hit return to accept the
default value in parenthesis or enter a new value.
Now, QCkt will ask for the tic mark interval for the
vertical grid. This tells the plotting routine how often you
want to draw a horizontal line across the X-Y grid.
Finally, QCkt will ask how often you want a vertical line
drawn to mark off frequency. It then asks for the maximum
expected group delay over the frequency range and finally, a
group delay tic mark interval.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
To recap, if the screen looked like this when you were
Edit Sweep #1
Start Freq (MHz) : (19.4000) ... 15
Stop Freq (MHz) : (23.4000) ... 28
Step Freq (MHz) : (0.0500) ...
Vertical Parameters
The Top of the Grid is 0 dB.
How Far Down is the Bottom (dB) : (40.0) ... 50
Enter the Vert Grid Tic Mark Interval (MHz) : (5.0) ...
Horizontal Parameters
Enter the Horiz Grid Tic Mark Interval (MHz) : (2.0) ... 1
Group Delay
Enter the Maximum Expected Group Delay (ns) : (1200) ... 1000
Enter the Group Delay Tic Mark Interval (ns) : (200) ...
It means that the X-Y grid for this sweep will be plotted from 15
to 28 MHz in 0.05 MHz steps. The vertical part of the grid will
go from 0 dB at the top of the screen to -50 dB at the bottom.
QCkt will partition the vertical scale into 5 dB/div sections
(ie. it will draw a horizontal line every 5 dB) and the
horizontal scale into 1 MHz divisions (ie. a vertical line every
1 MHz). When plotting group delay, the vertical scale will cover
0 to 1000 ns and will be marked off every 200 ns.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Five - Variable Components and the Tune Mode
The concept of variable components is one of the most
powerful features of QCkt. As I said in the beginning of this
manual, I wanted to be able to change component values and
immediately see the effect on both the transfer characteristic
and input impedance of the circuit. This operation is realized
through the tune mode using variable components.
Basically, you can select up to five components (labelled A
through E) that you want to vary. Then, when you are at any of
the plotting screens (gain, phase, group delay or the Smith
Chart), you can change the value of the selected component by
entering the Tune Mode.
Before we begin, load the circuit called Exbpf214.Ckt from
disk. We will use this as the example here.
To assign circuit element as variable components, first
enter your circuit into the machine (either by hand or from the
disk drive), then select the QCkt main menu option 8 labelled
"Edit - Variable Components". This will take you to the
following menu:
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Edit Variable Components - QCkt (Version X.XX)
Current Variable Components are :
Component A :
3 Inductor Shunt L = 1.0000 uH
Component B :
4 Capacitor Shunt C = 34.430 pF
Component C :
5 Capacitor Series C = 2.0100 pF
Component D :
Component E :
What'll It Be ...
1. Edit One Component
2. Edit All Components
3. View the Parts List
99. Return
What'll It Be : (99) ...
First of all, this screen shows you the current state of the
variable components. In this case, component A is circuit
element #3. That component is a 1.0 uH inductor connected in
shunt. Similarly, component B is a shunt 34.43 pF capacitor. It
is block #4. Variable component C is a series connected
capacitor (C = 2.01 pF). Components D and E are not defined.
The menu options allow you to either edit the variable
component list (options 1 and 2) or view the circuit currently in
memory (option 3).
Select item #1 to edit a single component and you'll be
asked which component you want to edit. Enter an "A" and you'll
be presented with the following menu:
Edit Component A
Present Part Is:
3 Inductor Shunt L = 1.0000 uH
Maximum Part Number is 9
Enter New Part Number for Component A : ( 3) ...
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Enter a new part number if you want to change which
component in your circuit will be labelled as component A. Hit
return if you want to accept the default. For this example, type
an 8 to tell QCkt that you want component A to represent whatever
circuit element is in block #8. When you hit the return key,
you'll get the following menu:
Edit Component A
Present Part Is:
3 Inductor Shunt L = 1.0000 uH
Maximum Part Number is 9
Enter New Part Number for Component A : ( 3) ... 8
New Part is:
8 Capacitor Series C = 20.0000 pF
Present Value is: 20.000
Enter New Value ...
If you want to change the present value of the component,
you can do so at this point. It will be recorded as part of your
circuit and the old value will be lost, so take care.
For this example, change the value of the component to 10 by
typing "10". Right before you hit return, your screen will look
Edit Component A
Present Part Is:
3 Inductor Shunt L = 1.0000 uH
Maximum Part Number is 9
Enter New Part Number for Component A : ( 3) ... 8
New Part is:
8 Capacitor Series C = 20.0000 pF
Present Value is: 20.0000
Enter New Value ... 10
QCkt will not allow you to assign certain components to be
variable. The following components wouldn't make sense as
variable components:
- The impedance plane (component #13)
- The duplicate component (component #14) although the
component being duplicated can be made variable.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Hit return to get back to the Edit Variable Component menu.
Hit return a second time to get back to the QCkt main menu. Just
in case you messed something up, retrieve Exbpf214.Ckt from the
disk again via main menu option 11. If you don't have a print
out of this circuit in front of you, this might be a good time to
make one (use main menu option 2 and the Shift-PrtSc key). It
would also help to draw this circuit out before you begin.
Now, enter option 3 and hit return twice to get to the gain
plotting screen and you'll see the now-familiar plots of this
circuit's gain and return loss curves. Just to refresh your
memory, this is a bandpass filter with a 1 MHz, 5 dB passband
Using the variable components we've set up, we're going to
try to narrow up the bandwidth of this filter and decrease the
center frequency insertion loss. Alt-F your way to 21.4 MHz, the
center frequency of this filter, and note the insertion loss of
around 5 dB.
Before going any further, we need to talk about the variable
components of circuit we're about to adjust. The bandpass filter
is made up to two identical, parallel LC circuits (components 3
and 4. Components 6 and 7 are duplicates of 3 and 4). The two
tanks are coupled by a single capacitor (component 5). The
resonant frequency of the tanks determines the center frequency
of the filter while the coupling capacitor determines the shape
and insertion loss of the passband.
Now, enter Tune mode by hitting the Alt-T key. Tune mode
allows you to change any of the variable components at will and
immediately see the results of the change. When in tune mode,
the last line of the screen prompts you to enter a new value for
one of the variable components. If you enter a number and hit
return, the circuit will be re-swept with this new component
value in place. If you hit the Tab key, you will advance to the
next variable component (ie. if you're currently editing
component A and hit the Tab key, the last line of the screen will
now ask you to enter a new value for component B). Hitting the
Escape key will take you out of Tune Mode.
Tab your way to component C and change it a few times by
entering a new value and hitting return. Note that every time
you change a component, the circuit will be re-swept without
showing the return loss plot. The parameters of the filter at
the cursor frequency are also updated and displayed on the bottom
of the screen.
Adjust component C to get the sharpest bandpass shape with
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
the least insertion loss. The center frequency will shift but
we'll compensate for that in a minute. What you're doing is
adjusting the coupling capacitor between two tanks. Decreasing
this capacitor decreases the coupling between the two parallel LC
elements and hence tightens up the bandwidth. You should be able
to get the insertion loss to less than 0.2 dB when component C is
1.11 pF.
You'll notice that the center frequency has shifted upward
to 21.6 MHz, the ripple has decreased significantly and the 3-dB
bandwidth is now about 500 kHz.
With the cursor still at 21.4 MHz, start adjusting component
B. Using the duplicate component function, you're actually
adjusting the two capacitors in the tank circuits. We want to
lower the center frequency back to 21.4 MHz. Play around with
these components until the frequency is roughly centered at 21.4
If you're having trouble, the circuit I came up with had the
following values: Component B = Component D = 35.43 pF and
Component C = 0.710 pF. The final circuit had an insertion loss
of about 0.16 dB with a 300 kHz bandwidth.
Just for fun, Alt-X your way to the QCkt main menu, then
enter option #6 to get to the Smith Chart. It's interesting to
see what varying the coupling capacitor (component C) does to the
input impedance on the Smith Chart. Enter the tune mode (Alt-T)
and adjust Component C. As before, each time you adjust a
variable component you'll get another sweep.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Six - Plotting the Frequency Response
Now on to the fun part - plotting things. QCkt will plot
the following items on an X-Y grid:
1. Gain and return loss - These are measures of how
well the circuit in memory accepts energy from a
resistive source (ie. return loss) and how efficient it
is at transferring that energy to a load resistor
(gain). This is main menu option #3.
2. Phase - This is the phase of the voltage impressed
upon the load resistor with respect to the source
voltage. This is main menu option #4.
3. Group Delay - Different frequencies can take
different amounts of time to get through a filter.
Group Delay is a measure of how long it takes an signal
placed upon the input to produce an output signal.
Mathematically, group delay is calculated by taking the
derivative of the phase plot with respect to frequency.
For more information, see Chapter 9 on QCkt's
All of the plotting functions work pretty much the same
except for what they plot. The information displayed and the
place it's displayed on the screen doesn't vary nor do the
Alt-Key commands. I tried to get things as uniform in command
structure as possible.
From the QCkt main menu, enter option #3 for the gain/return
loss plot. Actually, you could have entered either #3, #4 or #5
for the gain\return loss, phase or group delay plots, but going
through the gain\return loss plot will keep this narrative
consistent with what you see on the screen.
The first menu that pops up asks whether you want to sweep
the circuit currently in memory, edit the variable components or
edit the frequency sweeps currently stored in memory. We've
already covered editing the frequency sweeps in chapter 4 and
we'll get to the variable components in a later chapter. For
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
now, just hit return to accept the default task of sweeping the
circuit in memory.
Upon hitting return, QCkt then asks if you want to keep the
current active sweep or switch to the other. Enter the
appropriate answer and hit return to get to the plot.
One thing to note: in the vast majority of cases, answering
these questions usually boils down to hitting return twice before
you get to the plotting screen. So even though these questions
seem cumbersome now, they really aren't much of a bother at all
once you begin using the program.
You are now at the QCkt plotting screen and should see two
distinct plots on the screen. The solid line is the circuit gain
plot while the dotted line is the circuit return loss.
The top two lines remind you of what you're doing. They
tell you how to get to the help screen, reminding you of the file
you're playing with and give you the current cursor frequency.
The second line from the bottom of the screen gives the gain,
phase, return loss (labelled "R.L.") and group delay (labelled
"G.D.") at the cursor frequency.
The vertical axis is labelled along the left side of the
grid. This axis is labelled in dB, degrees or nanoseconds
depending upon the plot you're doing. The horizontal grid is
labelled at the bottom with the start and stop frequencies.
The help screen is displayed by typing Alt-I (for
information). This information menu is reproduced below:
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Plotting Help - QCkt (Version X.XX)
+/- : Increment/Decrement Freq
Alt-A : Active Sweep Toggle
Alt-D : Double Freq Step Size
Alt-F : Enter New Cursor Frequency
Alt-G : Edit Globals
Alt-H : Halve the Freq Step Size
Alt-I : This Help Screen
Alt-N : Draw New Grid
Alt-S : Sweep the Circuit
Alt-T : Enter Tune Mode
Alt-V : Variable Component Edit
Alt-W : Edit Sweeps
Alt-X : Exit
Gain Plot : Solid Line is Gain, Dotted Line is Return Loss
Tune Mode : Tab Key to Advance to Next Variable Component
Esc Key to Leave Tune Mode
Press Any Key to Continue ...
The cursor frequency can be incremented or decrimented using
the "+" or "-" keys, respectively. The graphics cursor will be
updated as well as the gain, phase, return loss and group delay
data at the bottom of the screen.
The Alt-A key is the active sweep toggle. If the current
sweep is #1, then Alt-A will change it to #2, clear the screen
and re-sweep the circuit using sweep #2.
The Alt-D and Alt-H keys perform opposite functions. The
Alt-D key doubles the frequency step size while the Alt-H key
halves it. QCkt doesn't respond to either of these keys in any
way - it just quietly updates the step size. When the circuit is
re-swept (using the Alt-S key, for example), QCkt will use the
new step size. The plot sweep time and resolution will vary
The Alt-F key allows the user enter a new cursor frequency
directly instead of stepping to it with the '+' or '-' keys.
When hit Alt-F, a window opens up and you're asked to enter a new
cursor frequency. When you hit return, the window will close and
the screen will be updated to reflect the new cursor frequency.
The Alt-G key allows the user to edit the global parameters.
This allows the user to change component Q values, transmission
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
line parameters, system impedance, etc. quickly and see the
results almost immediately.
The Alt-N key repaints the screen with the current cursor
frequency but does not re-sweep the circuit. This is useful when
the screen has gotten messed up or too cluttered with data and
The Alt-S key repaints the screen and re-sweeps the circuit.
Like Alt-N, it retains the current cursor frequency.
The Alt-T key allows the user to enter Tune Mode. This
causes several things to happen: First, the bottom line of the
screen is replaced by a prompt asking you to enter a new value
for one of the variable components.
At this point, you can enter a new value for the specified
component and hit return. The circuit will then be re-swept with
the new component value.
If you hit the tab key at this point, the next variable
component will be displayed and you can change the value of that.
If you hit the Esc key or Alt-X, you will exit tune mode.
The second thing that happens when you enter tune mode is
the program changes from the normal single-sweep mode to the
re-sweep mode. Normally, QCkt does not re-sweep the circuit
unless told to via the Alt-S (for Sweep) key. However, when
changing the variable components, it's convenient to have QCkt
re-sweep the circuit every time you change a component. When
this alternate mode is active, QCkt re-sweeps the circuit every
time one of the variable components is adjusted. To keep the
screen from getting too cluttered, QCkt will repaint the screen
after four sweeps. Also, if you're plotting gain and enter tune
mode, the return loss is no longer plotted (this also helps keep
the screen clear of clutter).
The Alt-V key allows the user to view and edit the variable
components. See chapter 7 on variable components for more
The Alt-W key leads to the edit sweep menu. The user can
then twiddle with the sweeps or change the active sweep.
The Alt-X key is the exit key. Pressing this key will get
you back to the QCkt main menu.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Seven - The Smith Chart
"Feel cheated ... "
Professor Milton Kult, University of Akron,
retired, commenting on the fact that he had
only 3 weeks in which to explain the Smith
Chart and it's uses.
You can get to the Smith Chart plotting routine via the QCkt
main menu option #6. As with the X-Y plots, the program asks if
you want to sweep the current circuit (which is the default
option), edit the variable components or change the current
frequency sweeps. Enter the appropriate number or hit return
alone to accept the default.
QCkt then asks if you want to keep the currently active
sweep. Answer appropriately and hit return. When you do, you'll
be at the Smith Chart plotting screen.
The Smith Chart takes up most of the screen. If it isn't
round on the particular monitor you're using, quit now and run
the Aspect.Com program provided (See Appendix E below for more
The Smith Chart plotting routine behaves very much like the
X-Y plotting routines described in Chapter 5. As before,
information dealing with circuit behavior at the cursor frequency
is presented but, this time, it's on the left side of the screen
instead of the bottom.
Starting at the top of the screen, we have the cursor
frequency in MHz. Below that is the complex input impedance
given in Ohms, followed by the VSWR and return loss. Then comes
the reflection coefficient (labelled Gamma), the Smith Chart
normalization impedance (usually 50 or 75 Ohms) and the state of
the variable components at the present time. Finally, the
current default file is given at the bottom of the screen.
Also on the bottom of the screen is the label:
"R = 0.5, 1, 2"
This is a reminder that the three constant-resistance circles
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
displayed on the Smith chart are the R = 0.5, R = 1 and R = 2 Ohm
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
As in the X-Y plots, you can get to a help screen by typing
Alt-I (for Information). The help screen is reproduced here:
Smith Chart Help - QCkt (Version X.XX)
+/- : Increment/Decrement Freq
Alt-A : Active Sweep Toggle
Alt-C : Draw Constant VSWR, Constant Gamma or Matching Circle
Alt-D : Double Freq Step Size
Alt-F : Enter New Cursor Frequency
Alt-G : Edit Globals
Alt-H : Halve the Freq Step Size
Alt-I : This Help Screen
Alt-N : Draw New Smith Chart
Alt-S : Sweep the Circuit
Alt-T : Enter Tune Mode
Alt-V : Variable Component Edit
Alt-W : Edit Sweeps
Alt-X : Exit
Tune Mode : Tab Key to Advance to Next Variable Component
Esc Key to Leave Tune Mode
Press Any Key to Continue ...
These keys are exactly the same keys used by the X-Y plot to
get things done. I refer you to Chapter 5 for information on
these keys. However, there is one key that has been added - the
Alt-C key.
The Alt-C key allows you to draw either constant VSWR,
constant Gamma (reflection coefficient) or matching circles.
Pressing the Alt-C key will produce the following menu:
Smith Chart Circles
1. Constant VSWR Circle
2. Constant Gamma (Reflection Coefficient) Circle
3. Matching Circle
99. Return
What'll It Be : (1) ...
The constant VSWR and constant Gamma circles are pretty much
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
the same thing, but the data is entered in different units. QCkt
will prompt you for either the VSWR or Gamma value you're
interested in, then return you to the Smith Chart plotting screen
and draw the specified circle on the chart. In case you don't
know, the circle's center is at the center of the Smith Chart and
it's radius is determined by the value you entered for VSWR or
Gamma. Anyway, these circles are useful if you're designing a
circuit which must meet some VSWR specification. (They are also
useful as a teaching aid. See the examples in Chapter 8 for more
The matching circle is another useful tool. I refer you to
the examples (ExLMat.Ckt and ExLMat2.Ckt) and to P.H. Smith's
book listed in the reference section (Appendix C) for more
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Eight - Some Examples
To help you understand how QCkt works and the best ways to
use the program, I've included several example circuits on the
disk with the program.
The example circuit files I've included are named in the
form EX*.CKT - that is, they all begin with the letters 'EX' and
have the '.CKT' extension.
The following four circuits are 100-MHz, 5-pole, low-pass
filters. The first is a Butterworth, the second is a Chebychev,
the third is an elliptic filter and the fourth is a Guassian
filter. These are included here to allow you to compare and
contrast the responses of these very different filters. The
primary sweep goes from 0 to 300 MHz to give you an idea of the
filter's ultimate rejection, stopband behavior, etc. The
secondary sweep goes from 0 to 100 MHz and shows the basic
passband characteristics of the filter.
For comparison's sake, we will examine the attenuation of
these filters at 250 MHz.
ExBWLPF.Ckt - This filter was designed to have a 100 MHz, 3-
dB cutoff frequency. In the gain plot using sweep #1, note the
smooth, monotonic response and how the return loss gently
increases. These characteristics are typical of a Butterworth
Alt-F your way to 250 MHz and read the attenuation. You
should read about 38.3 dB of rejection.
Examine the close in response by toggling to sweep #2 with
the Alt-A command. Note the smooth roll off.
The phase and group delay plots show relatively friendly
performance. The peak group delay (using the Alt-F and +/- keys)
is 8.2 ns at 93 MHz. The minimum group delay is found at 2 MHz
and is 5.1 ns. This makes the group delay ripple 3.1 ns
throughout the passband.
Try increasing the Q-factors of the inductors and capacitors
to 10000 and examine the effect this has on the filter's
The Smith Chart plot shows the input impedance of the
filter. A Butterworth filter will smoothly rotate away from the
center of the chart and approach it's final value smoothly.
This particular filter appears as a low impedance out-of-band due
to the shunt capacitors on the input.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
ExCbLPF.Ckt - This is a 1-dB ripple Chebychev filter. It
was designed to have a 3-dB cutoff frequency of 100 MHz.
The most interesting thing about the gain plot is the return
loss. Instead of smoothly rolling up like the Butterworth
filter, the Chebychev shows ripple in the return loss as well as
in the passband magnitude performance.
Note the attenuation at 250 Mhz is 58 dB which is 19.7 dB
better than the Butterworth filter. The price of the increased
out-of-band rejection is ripple in the passband.
Examining the close in response with the Alt-A command, we
see that our filter does not really have 1-dB ripple as
advertised. It droops as it approaches the cutoff frequency.
This is due to the finite Q of our components. Use Alt-G to
change both the inductor and capacitor Q to 10000 and resweep the
circuit using Alt-S. The filter now behaves as the textbooks say
it should. Change the capacitor Q back to 1000 and the inductor
Q to 250 before continuing.
Examining the group delay plot, we see the peak group delay
is 20.1 ns at 96 MHz. The minimum delay is 6.1 ns and it appears
at 29 MHz. This makes the in-band ripple 14 ns which 4 times as
worse as the Butterworth filter.
The Smith Chart is interesting. The input impedance sweeps
around the chart's center several times before heading toward
it's ultimate value. In this case, the ultimate impedance will
be high due to the series inductor at the input of the filter.
ExElLPF.Ckt - The magnitude, phase and group delay plots of
an elliptic filter are all pretty interesting to look at. These
filters are really a mess as far as their group delay and phase
response are concerned. However, they do exhibit an excellent
magnitude response.
The example filter was designed for a shape factor of 2:1
with 40-dB minimum of attenuation in the stopband. The worst-
case passband VSWR was around 1.04:1 with transmission nulls
placed at 325 MHz and 209 MHz. The nulls are caused by
components 2 and 4 - both are parallel-LC circuits placed in the
series path.
Sweep #1 goes to 500 MHz and allows you to see both nulls.
Alt-F your way to the nulls (you may have to use the +/- keys
also) -- I measured them at 210 and 324 MHz.
Note that the stopband attenuation never rises above 40 dB
which was one of the design goals. At our 250 MHz test
frequency, I measured -40.3 dB of attenuation, a phase reading of
175.9 degrees and a group delay of 1.1 ns.
Elliptic filters can have a steeper roll off than either
Chebychev or Butterworth, but the price you pay is in the
stopband performance. While the Butterworth and Chebychev roll
off monotonically (ie. they never re-enter), the elliptic filter
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
will re-enter but is guaranteed by design never to exceed some
minimum stopband attenuation value.
Another price you pay for the improved amplitude response of
the elliptic filter is in phase and group delay performance.
Near the cutoff frequency, the phase response begins to show non-
linear behavior. In the stopband, the phase and group delay
responses are hideous; exhibiting huge jumps due to the
transmission zeroes.
The Smith chart shows the filters input impedance moves
smoothly from the center of the chart to it's ultimate low-
impedance value.
ExGaLPF.Ckt - The Gaussian filter is a very low-Q filter.
It has a poor magnitude rolloff characteristic but it is the
least offensive as far as phase and group delay distortion go.
Load ExGaLPF and plot the magnitude response out to 300 MHz
(sweep #1). You can see the rolloff is pretty poor, as
advertised. At 250 MHz, the attenuation is only -21.4 dB of
attenuation compared with 38 dB for the Butterworth and 58 dB for
the Chebychev. The phase at this frequency is 59.8 degrees and
the group delay is 1.8 ns.
Plotting the phase response shows the real beauty of the
Gaussian filter. The response is remarkably linear throughout
the passband and partially into the stopband (to around 150 MHz).
Plot the group delay. You'll see that it's rock-solid until 125
MHz or so, then it gently rises outside of the passband.
Because they are so gentle on the phase of a signal,
Gaussian filters are used in places where phase must be
preserved, such as television video. Due to their low, flat
group delay, these filters are also used in fast sweeping
receivers and spectrum analyzers.
ExBPBRF.Ckt - This is a bandpass/bandreject filter I used in
a transmitting/receiving system. The receiver operated at 650
MHz while the transmitter used the same antenna at 750 MHz. In
order to protect the sensitive receiving circuitry from the
transmitter, I designed a front-end filter to pass 650 MHz with
presenting a high impedance to 750 MHz.
Sweep #1 goes from 450 to 950 MHz and shows the passband
centered around 650 MHz and the reject band centered around 750
MHz. The passband response is Chebychev with 0.5 dB of ripple.
The insertion loss at 650 MHz is 1.54 dB and the filter provides
83 dB of rejection at 750 MHz. In practice, these numbers were-
3 dB at 650 and -70 dB at 750 due to component Q problems--
change the inductor Q to 120 and see for yourself. Sweep #2 goes
from 600 - 700 MHz to show the passband response.
Take sweep #1 out to 2000 MHz using the Alt-W key. Note the
re-entrance at 1420 MHz. This is there because this filter uses
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
a capacitor as a coupling element (ie. element #4). If we change
this capacitor to an inductor, the re-entrance problem will
Try it -- change element #4 to a 70 nH inductor. This will
cause the bandpass center frequency to shift slightly and the
hump at 1420 MHz will disappear. Tune component #2 slightly to
bring the filter back onto frequency (using the Alt-T key to
enter tune mode).
The Smith Chart shows the Chebychev response clearly. Note
how the filter approaches a high impedance at the 750 MHz notch
frequency. With in capacitor in place as the coupling element,
you can also see the re-entrance occur at 1420 MHz.
ExLMat.Ckt - This is an exercise in interactive matching.
The circuit is a simple L-matching network between two resistive
elements: R-Source = 50 Ohms and R-Load = 1000 Ohms. We want the
match to be perfect at 50 MHz.
Load ExLMat.Ckt from the disk and get a printout of the
circuit using the Shift-PrtSc key. Draw a picture of the circuit
and label the components. The circuit consists of a shunt
capacitor across the 1000-Ohm resistor followed by a series
inductor. Next, look at the variable components menu to confirm
the shunt capacitor is variable component A and the series
resistor is variable component B. Write this on your diagram.
The purpose of this little exercise is to match the 1000 Ohm
resistor to 50 Ohms at 50 MHz. We'll do this using the Smith
chart and variable components.
Enter the Smith Chart plotting routines and sweep the
circuit. Since the component values are all 0, the plot isn't
very interesting. Set the cursor frequency to 50 MHz using the
Alt-F key.
Now, enter the tune mode using the Alt-T key and start
adjusting component A (the capacitor in parallel with the 1000
Ohm resistor). Note how adding capacitance moves the cursor
point in a circle. Adjust the capacitor until the cursor falls
onto the R=1 circle. Now, start adjusting component B, the
series inductor, until the cursor falls onto the center of the
Smith Chart. If you're having trouble, I made the inductor
(component B) to be 0.68 uH and the capacitor (component A) to be
14 pF.
Alt-X your way out of the Smith Chart plotting routines and
plot the magnitude response of the matching network (main menu
option #3). You'll see that the circuit is matched perfectly
only at 50 MHz. Using the Alt-F and +/- keys, we find the 3-dB
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
points of the match are at 37 and 61 MHz. This is a bandwidth of
24 MHz or 48%.
ExLMat2.Ckt - This is another matching example but with a
twist. The bandwidth of the L-match circuit of ExLMat.Ckt was
about 48% but we'd like to try to do better (ie. make it wider).
This circuit consists of two L-matching networks in series to
produce a wider bandwidth.
As before, we're trying to match a 50-Ohm R-Source to a
1000-Ohm R-Load but this time we're going for an intermediate
match to 224 Ohms (224 Ohms is the geometric mean of 50 and
Load ExLMat2.Ckt and get a print out of it as you did
before. Then, go to the Smith Chart plotting routine. Variable
component A is a capacitor in shunt with the 1000-Ohm resistor.
Component B is a series inductor. Components C and D are a shunt
capacitor and series inductor, respectively. Finally, we have
the 50-Ohm source resistor.
First, we have to find out where 224 Ohms is on the Smith
Chart. This is easy enough to do -- Use Alt-G to edit the global
variables and change the load resistance to 224 Ohms. Then re-
sweep the plot using Alt-S. Since all of our components started
with zero value, we will see a mark on the Smith Chart which
represents the load resistor (224 Ohms). Make a mental note of
where 224 Ohms is on the Smith Chart. Now, Alt-F your way to 50
MHz and Alt-T into the tune mode and adjust components A (the
capacitor in shunt with the 1000-Ohm load resistor) and B (the
series inductor) until the impedance looking into the circuit is
as close to 224 + j0 Ohms as possible. Then, start playing
around with components C and D to move the 224 Ohms to 50 Ohms.
The values I got for this circuit were 5.9 pF (component A),
1.33 uH (component B), 26.6 pF (component C) and 0.295 uH (for
component D). Now, plot the magnitude response of the matching
circuit. Note that the 3-dB bandwidth of the match goes from 31
to 74 MHz. This is 43 MHz or 86%. The bandwidth of the two
element match of ExLMat.Ckt was 43%.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Nine - How QCkt Works
I've included this chapter for the more curious of you out
there. Several people have asked how QCKt does what it does.
QCkt makes use of a technique called the Modified
Tack-Hammer method, fully described in Heyward's excellent book
Introduction to Radio Frequency Design. This method is fairly
crude, but it isn't very complicated, it's intellectually
satisfying and it gets the job done.
QCkt starts with the load resistor and assumes that it has
one volt across it. The program then travels up the ladder
toward the source resistor, evaluating the impedance of each
element as it goes. QCkt calculates the impedance seen looking
toward the load at every step and adjusts the voltage according
to this impedance. The analysis program stops when it gets to
the source resistor. This process generates the input impedance
and the voltage present at the source. QCkt then adjusts the
load/source voltage ratio according to the load and source
resistors to get meaningful numbers to plot. This entire process
is repeated for every evaluation frequency.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Chapter Ten - QCkt Limitations
When writing a program like QCkt, there are many trade offs
and considerations to make. I originally wrote this program for
my own, personal use and I feel the compromises I made were
reasonable. They were made either because I don't like answering
the same question over and over, to avoid run-time,
divide-by-zero errors, for the sake of speed or because of
personal taste.
In any case, if the program starts behaving funny or gives
you an answer you don't like, consult this chapter first. You
may have run into one of my compromises.
Frequency Sweep - Any time the program tries to evaluate the
circuit at 0 Hz, it will be evaluated at 1 Hz.
Step Size - QCkt takes the absolute value of any step size
that you enter. If you enter a 0 for the step size, Qckt will
default to the value
Abs(Stop Freq - Start Freq)/100
which will give 101 points.
Component Values - Generally, you may enter any component
value that you want - positive, negative or zero. Positive
values are obviously OK. Mathematically, negative components are
no problem for the evaluation software but they may screw up the
plotting routines. They won't crash, but they may try to plot to
strange places on the screen.
Any component specified to be zero is assumed to have a
value of 1E-12.
Other parameters that are not allowed to be zero (besides
components) are: system impedance (Z0), load resistor, source
resistor, inductor Q, capacitor Q and the frequency at which
electrical lengths are specified. These also default to 1E-12 if
you enter a 0.
Number of Components - The maximum number of elements QCkt
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
allows is 98. This is pretty much a tradeoff between amount of
memory used and realizable circuits. It's fairly difficult to
design a passive circuit with 98 elements that will perform
Group Delay - Group delay is calculated by taking the
derivative of the phase plot with respect to frequency and
changing the sign. QCkt takes the derivative by evaluating the
circuit at the cursor frequency and at the cursor frequency minus
the step size. It then subtracts one phase from the other,
adjusts the sign appropriately then divides by the step size to
obtain the derivative.
This means that the value of the group delay will change
slightly depending upon the step size. For more accurate group
delay data, decrease the frequency step size.
Hardcopies - To make hardcopies of your circuit, list the
circuit and Shift-PrtSc the data over to your printer. The
circuit listing software prints out one screen at a time to allow
you to get the entire circuit.
You can also use the Control-PrtSc option on your computer
to send data from your screen to your printer.
To make hardcopies of the graphics screens, it's necessary
to have loaded the Graphics.Com program that came with your DOS.
Simply type "Graphics" from the DOS prompt prior to starting
QCkt. You can then Shift-PrtSc your plots out to your printer.
If there is a lot of interest in QCkt, I will upgrade the
printing utilities to something a little more sexy.
Variable Components - If a component is set up to be a
variable component (Component A, for example) and it is changed
from the Examine/Modify main menu option, QCkt will clear
Component A and declare it undefined.
Compatibility - Due to the Turbo Pascal compiler used to
generate QCkt and QCkt-87, their file structures are
incompatible. That is, QCkt cannot read or write QCkt-87 files.
Likewise, QCkt-87 cannot read or write QCkt files.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Appendix A - Technical Specifications
QCkt was written using the Borland Turbo-Pascal compiler
V3.0. It is primarily Pascal with a small amount of assembler
thrown in.
The QCkt program is actually made up of two modules: QCkt
is the main module and handles user the input/output functions as
well as formatting data for the FarCode module. FarCode contains
the circuit analysis and plotting routines.
QCkt.Com is the main module. However, since I needed more
than the 64-k of code that Turbo Pascal allows, I load the
FarCode.Com module on the heap of QCkt when QCkt is initializing.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Appendix B - Acknowledgements
This program and manual would not have been possible without
the support, love and/or publications of the following people:
My wife and newborn son, Christopher, who allow me to fiddle
with my computer until all hours of the morning,
John Cooper, Terry Fry, Tom Vito, France Bolei and the many
others I've spent happy hours with discussing/arguing about some
silly aspect of circuit theory or computer programming,
All of the people on the computer bulletin boards who have
donated their precious time and software to the public domain.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Appendix C
References - Credit Where It's Due
The following are a list of a few of the books I've
consulted in the course of writing this program and manual:
Williams, Arthur B., Electronic Filter Design Handbook,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY, 1981, ISBN 0-07-070430-9.
Hayward, W.H., Introduction to Radio Frequency Design,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1982, ISBN
Jordan, Edward C., Ed., Reference Data for Engineers: Radio,
Electronics, Computers, and Communications, Seventh Edition,
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, 1985, ISBN
Smith, Phillip H., Electronic Applications of the Smith
Chart, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, New York, 1969, Library
of Congress Catalog Card Number 69-12411.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Appendix D - Component Summary
This appendix is meant as a quick reference guide to the
components. It is essentially a repeat of the data found in
Chapter 3 on Entering and Saving a Circuit.
1. Capacitors - The value of all capacitors in this
program are currently given in picofarads. All
capacitors have the same global Q value which is held
constant with frequency. The default value for
capacitor Q is 1000.
2. Inductors - The value of all inductors in this
programs are currently given in microhenries. Like
capacitors, all inductors have the same global Q value
which can be (and usually is) different from the global
capacitor Q. The default value for inductor Q is 250.
3. Resistors - The values of all resistors are entered
in Ohms.
4. Parallel LC - An inductor and capacitor hooked
together in parallel. As before, the capacitance is
given in picofarads while the inductance is in
microhenries. Global capacitor and inductor Q losses
are applied to this combination.
5. Series LC - As in #4, but the two components are
connected in series.
6. Parallel RC - A resistor and capacitor connected in
7. Series RC - A resistor and capacitor connected in
8. Parallel RL - A resistor and inductor connected in
9. Series RL - A resistor and inductor in series.
10. T-Line - This is a lossless transmission line. The
user enters a unique characteristic impedance (in Ohms)
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
and electrical length (in degrees). If the line is in
shunt with the circuit, the user is asked if the line
is open- or short-circuited. The electrical length is
the number of degrees the line appears to be at a given
frequency. The frequency is specified as a global
value and it is the same for all of the T-Lines entered
in this program. The default is 100 MHz.
11. Parallel Resonator - This is simply a parallel LC
circuit (see item #4 above) specified in a different
way. Instead of asking for a value of L and C, the
program asks for a value of L (in microhenries) and a
center frequency (in MHz). The parallel LC will then
be made to resonate at the given frequency. Global
capacitor and inductor Q's are applied to this
12. Series Resonator - The same component as in item
#11, except that the inductor and capacitor are
connected in series.
13. Defined Impedance Plane - This is an operation more
that it is a component. If one of these is present in
the circuit, the Smith Chart and return loss plots will
reflect the impedance of the circuit looking from the
impedance plane toward the load. The Smith Chart and
return loss plots will not reflect the input impedance
as the source sees the circuit.
14. Duplicate an Existing Part - This is a very
convenient operation which allows any previously
defined part (ie. a part with lower number) to be
duplicated. This is very convenient for some types of
filters and matching circuits which exhibit a high
degree of symmetry.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Appendix E - Running Aspect.Com
One of the problems I had when writing QCkt was that the
Smith Chart would come out elliptical on some monitors and
circular on others. For example, the Smith Chart on my Zenith
monochrome monitor at home is fine, but it turns out to be a
narrow ellipse on the IBM monitor at work.
Usually you can solve this problem by fiddling with the
controls on your monitor. Sometimes you can't. If you can't,
I've included a program called Aspect.Com on the disk.
Aspect.Com draws a horizontal line on the screen and asks
you to get out a ruler, measure the line's length and enter the
number. Aspect then draws a vertical line and repeats the
The unit you use to measure the line is immaterial, but it's
easiest to use a centimeter scale. That way, you don't have to
convert fractional inches to decimal before entering the number
into the computer.
Since Aspect.Com knows how many pixels it lit up on the
screen when it drew the two lines and you've told it how long the
lines were physically, it can figure out a number of pixels per
unit length for both the vertical and horizontal directions. It
then divides the horizontal number by the vertical number to get
a ratio. This ratio is stored in a file on the default drive
under the name Aspect.Dta.
When QCkt first comes up, it loads Aspect.Dta from the
default drive if it's present (if it isn't present, QCkt just
uses an internal default value for the aspect ratio). All of the
data heading for the Smith Chart screen is then massaged by this
aspect value before it hits the screen.
So, the circles are drawn so they look round and the data
plotted by the Smith Chart routines is plotted accurately.
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Appendix F
QCkt - Circuit Analysis Program - Order Form
P.O.Box 2016
Columbia, Md 21045
QCkt program disk - Try Before ______ $10.00 $_______
Buying - Latest version,
complete program with manual
and examples on disk, NO
technical support.
QCkt - Registered Owner - ______ $25.00 $_______
Includes a free update to the
NEXT version - manual and
examples on disk - All the
technical support you need.
QCkt - Upgrade to Registered ______ $15.00 $_______
Owner - If you all ready sent
in $10.00.
QCkt - Upgrade to Newest ______ $10.00 $_______
Version - Registered Owners
Subtotal $_______
5.0% Maryland State Sales Tax $_______
(Maryland Residents Only)
Total $_______
Please make checks (U.S. funds only) payable to: RadioWare
Name_______________________________________ Date ________________
City________________________ State__________ Zip Code____________
Description of Computer System___________________________________
QCkt - The Quick Circuit Analyzer - (c) 1988 RadioWare, Inc.
Commercial users of QCkt MUST register their copies at a
price of $25.00 each for the first 20 copies, $20.00 for every
copy thereafter. In addition, a site license permitting
unlimited copying within the licensed institution is available.
Please write for details.